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Sunken Pyramids and Sphinxes

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Atlantis Discovered in the Bermuda Triangle: The Sunken City Features Giant Pyramids and Sphinxes Two scientists, Paul Weinzweig and Pauline Zalitzki, working off the coast of Cuba and using a robot submersible, have confirmed that a gigantic city exists at the bottom of the ocean. The site of the ancient city — that includes several sphinxes and at least four giant pyramids plus other structures — amazingly sits within the boundries of the fabled Bermuda Triangle. According to a report by Arclein of Terra Forming Terra, Cuban Subsea Pyramid Complex, the evidence points to the city being simultaneously inundated with rising waters and the land sinking into the sea. This correlates exactly with the Atlantis legend. The disaster may have occurred at the end of the last Ice Age. As the Arctic icecap catastrophically melted it caused sea levels to rise quickly around the world, especially affecting the Northern Hemisphere. Coast lines changed; land was lost; islands (even island continents) disappeared. At the end of last Ice Age sea levels were nearly 400 feet lower than present day levels. Once the waters began to rise, they rose swiftly. Conceivably, no technology then, or now, could have saved Atlantis from its watery grave. The evidence that land in what’s now the Caribbean also sank into the sea concurrently seems pretty certain.

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Arclein observes: “At the time uplifted portions of the Mid Atlantic Ridge subsided also including Lyonese and the home islands and land mass around the Azores. Even if that had not happened, this subsidence was amply large enough. “This would have produced an orthogonal pressure forcing subsidence to either East or West. Since the ridge between Cuba and Yucatan is the natural point of weakness between the Gulf subsidence basin and the Caribbean subsidence basin, it naturally subsided deeply. The driver for all this was the hydrostatic changes brought about by both the original crustal shift of 12,900 years ago that I have called the Pleistocene Nonconformity and the slow uplift of the Hudson Bay Basin brought about by the ending of the Ice Age.” Cuban missile crisis stops research According to journalist Luis Mariano Fernandez, the city was first discovered decades ago, but all access to it was stopped during and after the Cuban Missile Crisis. “The U.S. government discovered the alleged place during the Cuban missile crisis in the sixties, Nuclear submarines cruising in the Gulf (in deep sea) met pyramid structures. They immediately shut down the site and took control of him and the objects, in order that it will not come to Russians hands.” The science team of deep ocean experts, archaeologists and oceanographers found ruins of ancient buildings 600 feet below the ocean. They say the city is Atlantis. Look carefully, in the muky water, a giant pyramid is visible Pyramids and sphinxes bigger than Egypt’s Evidence that the island of Cuba is the vestige of a once mighty culture is supported by Zalitzki’s discovery on the island of extremely ancient symbols and pictograms identical to those seen on the underwater structures. Using exploration submersibles, they discovered amazingly huge pyramid structures similar to (but larger than) the pyramids in Giza, Egypt. They estimate the Atlantis pyramids are constructed with stones weighing many hundreds of tons. Incredibly the ancient city also has magnificent sphinxes and “stones that arranged like Stonehenge, and a written language engraved on the stones,” reports Fernandez. Could such a discovery change Mankind’s view of history? Yes, it could change everything. Fernandez writes, “It has confirmed that the stones were cut, carved and polished to make them fit together and thus form larger structures. On the strange inscriptions, some of them similar to Egyptian hieroglyphics, very little is known, except that they are very abundant and found in almost all parts of the field. They have also appeared symbols and drawings whose meaning is unknown.” The exploration of Atlantis, called Project Exploramar, is expanding to discover more of the mysteries of the mega-city. Speaking with a scientist about the possibility that the ruins are indeed Atlantis, Fernandez reports the expert replied: “ the Yucatan cultures today is possible that what still remains of the aborigines of those places perhaps the Olmecs or some very primitive civilization of Yucatan, the northern part of Central America—originated according to them on an island that sank by a cataclysm. This island is called Atlanticú.” That too fits the stories about the sudden demise of the wondrous Atlantis. Atlanticú is, of course, Atlantis. The aboriginal natives still call it that in their history. During an interview about the exploration of the mega-city, Fernandez asked lead scientist Pauline Zalitzki about the civilaztion that built it. “When we published the first news of this finding,” she said, “the University of Veracruz was interested in our work and we had recorded images of these structures on the seabed. Specifically, the Institute of Anthropology of the University excavations invited me. They were doing [studies] on parts and ruins of the Olmec civilization. “When they saw these submarine images [they] found similarities and parallels with the ruins found in these excavations that the Institute was undertaking. “The Olmecs and other native peoples all have primary morphology marking the arrival of this continent. This mean coming from the direction of Cuba, and had to occur in a very large earthquake where their land sank. Morphologies indicate that they belong to three families who were saved. One of these families came to the coast of Veracruz, which are supposedly the Olmec. Others came to Central America and traveled to the Pacific coast, and these families created the civilization of the Americas as we know it today, because they distributed all their knowledge. When these anthropologists saw underwater images of this city, and saw some stone monoliths, some symbol, and inscriptions, they identified with Olmec motifs. They were very surprised.” The Olmecs devolved from the survivors of Atlantis, a much superior culture destroyed aft the end of the Ice Age flooding. The world was reshaped and a super-civilization destroyed, remembered for millennia only in legend and a passing refernce by the philosopher Plato. But Atlantis was real, is real: scientists Paul Weinzweig and Pauline Zalitzki have found it. Discoveries are surfacing yet again, about several pyramid structures existing at the bottom of the ocean under the location known as the Bermuda Triangle. New horizons seem to open as these pyramids seem to be smooth and crystalline in structure, and considering their location in the center of the Bermuda Triangle, is it reasonable to consider their contribution to many years of mysterious disappearances which have occurred there? Apparently, these structures were first identified back somewhere between 1968-1970 by Raymond Brown, why are we only hearing about them now? There could be plenty of speculation about the reasons for their discreet identities, though they have recently been verified as ‘real’ by both U.S. and French diving teams. These pyramids are said to be at least three times larger than the Cheops in Egypt and made out of some type of smooth crystal. Dr. Meyer Verlag, oceanographer, re-discovered the pyramids at approximately 2000 meters below the surface with the use of a sonar detector recently. What are the implications of this finding? Could these pyramids have something to do with the mysterious disappearances which have occurred in the Bermuda Triangle for decades? Many say- yes. Research on the structure and energetic properties of pyramids have discovered some interesting facts that could lead to a better understanding. According to Dr. Philip Callahan who has studied the pyramids in Egypt, the cone shape and the pyramid shape both “generate a spin field from the apex” when excited by a Tesla coil. In other words, the top of the pyramid seems to create some sort of whirling energetic reaction resembling that of a double helix spinning. Could these whirling vortexes of energy, when generated underwater, have resulted in whirlpools that could have swallowed ships? Besides the time and spatial anomalies reported in the Triangle, some survivors of terrifying incidents there have reported huge, swirling vortices suddenly appearing and disappearing. Evidence exists that some missing ships may have gone missing because of this phenomenon. What is certain is that diver Ray Brown of Mesa, Arizona who originally found the pyramids in 1970, was able to swim inside one of the pyramids after peering through the clear crystal sides, void of algae and coral growth. He was able to see the interior clearly, as the room was well lit, but there was no detectable source of light. He tried to remove a multi-faceted red gemstone attached to a metallic rod that descended from the center of the ceiling, but was unable to dislodge it. About four feet below the point of the red gemstone, stood a bronze metal sculpture of two open hands, and resting upon the palms of the hands was a crystal sphere, about four inches in diameter. He was surprised that he could lift the crystal sphere easily. Crystalline Pyramid He left the area with the strange crystal sphere, (which he subsequently took to scientists for research – the properties of which were apparently ‘astounding.’) On his way out of the structure with the crystal it is reported that he felt an invisible presence warning him never to return. The legend of the alchemists ‘secret fire’ is that which could dissolve gold into a white powder – many believe to be the mystical philosopher’s stone, white gold powder, or ORMUS. The story tells that this gold powder is created by an ‘inner fire’ without human interaction. Researchers have shown that gold, suspended from the inside top of a pyramid will eventually ‘oil up’ and then become a powder, little by little. Curious? You can’t help but think of the legends of Atlantis in relation to these crystal pyramids, which tell of power generators made of crystal. Could these pyramids be part of that legend – realized? And what is the ‘power’ spoken of? Is it really power like we think of power to be – or is it more? Experimenters discovered decades ago that pyramids do tend to act in some ways like a natural electrical capacitor gathering and storing energy around them. The larger the pyramid, the greater the capacity of gathering and storing energy. A pyramid’s composition is important too. Having one made of crystal, or an apex made of crystal, could vastly increase its power. Those who have contacted this unique crystal found by Raymond in the pyramid have reported strange and potent reactions such as sudden healings, magnetizing of objects, hot and cold sensations, gusts of wind, and occasionally the pull of compasses are affected. It is unsure, though highly probable, that these crystalline pyramid structures found in the center of the Bermuda Triangle, opening new horizons for science and history, were some sort of power generator and possibly contributed to the disappearances and strange phenomena in the area for decades. It is still speculation to know exactly what it all means, though the findings are piling up creating quite a ‘stir.’ What do you think? Are we ready to discover the technology of an advanced civilization which utilized knowledge far beyond our current scope of understanding? Written by: Stasia Bliss

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